Herbal Moth Repellents

Select one of the recipes below.
Combine the ingredients in a large glass jar.
Shake the jar every day for 1 to 2 months.
Make moth repellent bags.
Fill moth repellent bags with about 1 cup of the repellent.

Moth Repellent Bag
7” X 16” muslin fabric
20” string
pretty label

Sew up the sides of the muslin to make a little bag.
Fringe the top of the bag.
Fill the bag with about 1 cup of the repellent.
Tie the string around the bag.
Add the label.

French Moth Preventive
2 c lavender
2 c southernwood
1 c rosemary
1 c wormwood
3 T ground cloves

Moth Repellent
1 c cedar shavings, available at pet supply stores
¼ c dried southernwood
¼ c dried peppermint
¼ c dried lemon verbena
¼ c dried thyme
¼ c dried rosemary
⅛ c whole cloves
⅛ c lemon peel

Mint Moth Repellent
2 c dried spearmint
2 c dried peppermint
2 c dried rosemary
1 c dried thyme
1 c ground cloves

The herbs in the herbal moth repellents are available at our Annual Herb Sale.

moth repellent

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