Herbal Party Waters

Could anything be easier or more beautiful than a pitcher of ice cold herbal water? Pretty and delicious, these naturally flavored waters enhance any party, buffet, dinner, or cookout.

Janice served these at our Autumn Herb Gathering on October 11, 2014.


  1. Select pretty clear glass pitchers.
  2. Choose herbs and fruits, according to what is in season, and what you love.
  3. Put a little fruit in the pitcher.
  4. Add a fresh herb, bruised to release the most flavor. Use just enough fruit and herb to flavor the water slightly and add beautiful color, not too much.
    It is fun to prepare several different varieties and see which your guests like best.
  5. Fill the pitchers with cold tap water or bottled spring water and refrigerate for a couple of hours before serving.
  6. Add ice cubes to serve. Commercial ice cubes are crystal clear and add to the beauty of presentation.
  7. For the timid guest, have just plain ice water available.
  8. If the weather is very hot, set the pitchers on pretty plates to catch the condensation.

Suggested Combinations

  • Lemon slices and choose one: lemon verbena, lemon thyme, or lemon basil
  • Rose geranium and raspberries or strawberries
  • Pineapple sage (especially in fall, use the red blossoms as well) and orange slices or pineapple chunks
  • Lavender blossom stalks and blueberries or blackberries
  • Spearmint and lime slices
  • Mint Party Water

Instead of herbs, substitute edible flowers such as fragrant roses.
Why wait for a party? Keep a carafe of herbal water in the refrigerator just for you!

Herbal Waters
Herbal Waters
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